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Interview with The Paper Birds

How did you get started? We started at University. We went to Bretton Hall, Leeds Uni and we were a group of friends who lived together and started to make work together. We devised a show in our 3rd year and decided we would try to take it to some festivals when we graduated.

Should the Arts Council be reformed to make cuts and funding more fair? I think the Arts Council is trying to make the best of what is a bad situation. There is a lack of government funding and the money that does exist seems to be going to buildings rather than artists. I would like to see what happens in the next election and then once the dust has settled it may well be that a re-shuffle and new way of thinking ( around arts funding) is needed.

Can the Arts Council Policy be improved? Its difficult to put rules, guidelines; essentially boundaries on something as free and diverse as the arts and what they are trying to achieve. Im not sure the ACE policy will ever be able to fulfil the role its trying to.

Should the arts funding be cut? NO! The arts change peoples life’s on so many levels. The arts also brings a great deal of money into our economy, but it needs to be supported.

How do you about the classification of drama as a “soft-subject” by certain government ministers? The people who say this need to re-think education and the modern world. Creativity needs to be nourished, the world is much more complex then maths, english and science can teach us.

As a company that largely devises your own work, do you think scripted theatre is still important in drama education at GCSE and A Level? Yes I think scripted drama should be taught / studied at school, I only have issue when its the ONLY thing that is taught and students are not introduced to devised work.

Do you feel that your work could be classified as feminist theatre? Yes, absolutely!

Do they think that feminist theatre still has a place in modern society or is it simply enough for women to be creating relevant and engaging work in the field without labelling it? I am afraid that things have not progressed as much as we would like to think they have. Women are still grossly under represented in the theatre and I think we still need to fight for change. As a company we prioritise women’s stories and putting women centre stage, giving voice to women whom might not otherwise be heard.

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